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Communicate directly with your customers through engaging email campaigns

Email Marketing

Email Newsletters are becoming an increasingly popular marketing tool for all types of businesses and individuals. An email newsletter allows you to communicate directly with your audience and is an excellent way to develop strong relationships with your customers.

Wonder Media offer an email newsletter design service, where we create a newsletter template in keeping with your corporate image and objectives. We can also distribute the newsletter on your behalf, saving you time and hassle.

Our specialist piece of software allows us to apply individually designed templates, while also ensuring our newsletters are compatible with all email clients.

As with all forms of marketing, it is important to examine the effectiveness of your efforts. Our software allows you to find out how many recipients opened the newsletter, forwarded the email to a friend, clicked on a link, unsubscribed, and lots more.

Whether you wish to increase sales, promote new products and services, or communicate with staff and business partners, Wonder Media can provide an email newsletter solution to meet your needs.

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